Thursday, October 15, 2009

Top 5 Depressing Films of All Time

1. Legends of the Fall: I was watching this movie this weekend. It has to be the worst. 3 brothers, the most innocent of the 3 dies from mustard gas poisioning and being filled with about 50 rounds from a German machine gun, Brad Pitt cuts out his heart and takes it home. Then Brad Pitt comes home, sleeps with his dead brother's fiancee, Julia Ormond, gets her to fall in love with him, then leaves her to sow his oats.Wait it gets better. He comes back after being gone for years. His father has had a stroke and talks like Helen Keller. Brad remarries and has 2 kids. His wife gets killed on an accidental richochet from a bullet from men working for his 3rd brother, Alfred. By the way, Alfred got the girl all 3 boys wanted. Brad come back, makes Julia fall in love with him again, but she can't have him. Then in the final ten minutes, Julia Ormond shoots herself, Brad Pitt is forced to run away after killing 3 policeman, and the final scene, shows Brad Pitt's death . . . being eaten alive by a bear. The film ends with saying, and I quote, "it was a good death" To hell with that, most depressing movie, hands down.

2. Seven: Again Brad Pitt. Two words, Gwenyth's head. In a box. "What's in the booaaoaaax! What's in the boaaaoooox?" Enough said. Brad's wife is decapitated, Brad goes off to jail after blowing Kevin Spacey away.

3. House of Sand and Fog: If you haven't seen it, don't read this . . .Ben Kingsley's son gets accidentally shot and killed, Ben goes home and poisons his wife and ends it for himself. Very sad movie.

4. Requiem for a Dream: This movie makes Trainspotting look like Sesame Street. Rampant drug use, prostitution, old lady high on diet pills. Jared Leto ends the movie with his arm amputated at the elbow due to an infection from injecting heroine.

5. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest: Great movie, very very depressing.

- Bitter Film Critic

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